So as many of you are aware I recently was diagnosed with breast cancer. And it has been one of those things that makes me realize how many people I have in my cheering section, there to support me as I battle a tough competitor. But it also has made me realize that I can’t keep up with telling everyone, everything – especially as I try to process what the hell is really going on.
So…that brings me to this blog. I see so many friends doing it and figure – hey – that might be a great way to share my story with those who care (and probably a few who don’t) without repeating, or worse, omitting, myself to those that are rooting from the sidelines.
Recovery begins with embracing our pain and taking the risk to share it with others.John Bradshaw
So here is my attempt to do a blog. I will be posting several here in the next day or so as I get folks caught up on my journey, and then hopefully, keeping on top of this throughout my journey.
So buckle up, hop on, and join me on this crazy and wild ride!
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