So since I have never experienced surgery I was not sure what to expect the days following. I can tell you I did not expect to pee like a smurf for two days. Yep, that’s right, bright blue, toilet bowl cleaner, smurf pee. On our way home from Lewiston we stopped in at Subway (recall I haven’t eaten in 24 hours), to grab a sandwich for Brent and some soup for me. Sadly they didn’t have any soup, so instead I opted for more water and to relieve myself at the subway bathroom. I honestly think if I hadn’t been in a public place I would’ve called Brent in to look at my pee – I was that impressed by the color. I’m kicking myself still for not photographing it. It seems that the radioactive dye they inject in you makes your pee turn blue. I of course could not resist texting friends about this and all of us hypothesizing that maybe I had gotten raped by a Smurf while I was under and now had some weird smurf venereal disease. Maybe Mr. Clean is the guilty party? Ahh, your sense of humor on hydrocodone’s and anesthesia is probably not as funny as you think it is.
I was extremely paranoid that I would be in a great deal of pain. Again, first surgery ever! No idea what to expect. At home I took another pain pill, had some soup (finally) and went off to bed. I slept okay but was uncomfortable only because I’m a side sleeper and couldn’t sleep on my side.
I took another pill in the afternoon, one more before dinner, and realized I didn’t really need them. Dang, I’m tough! That’s right world, you can cut in to me all you want and I don’t even need your pain pills (hold on to this thought for surgery part II). By Friday (surgery was Wednesday) I was teleworking because I was bored. By the weekend I was going for rides in the forest and visiting friends.
1 week post surgery and I didn’t have any pain, no swelling, most of the band aids had fallen off on their own, scar looked good and I was ready to get that chemo port put in.
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