Since the surgeon was unsuccessful in getting the chemo port in during my lumpectomy I got the luck of returning a week later to meet with a vascular surgeon so they could put it in. Of course I had to meet with him the day before the surgery for a consult (cha-ching), where they told me that I would be under conscious anesthesia, they would be placing this port in (they showed me one), the catheter (tube) would snake through my major artery to my heart, and this is how everyone could access my blood and veins in the future. Or until such time that we remove it.
I met with the nurses who took a few vitals, explained I needed to check in at 630AM, no eating or drinking after 9PM, bathe with an anti-bacterial soap (this was all seeming very deja vu). I needed to be prepared to pay a $100 co-pay and they would see me in the morning.
So the morning of (we stayed at the Carondelet house again), I got up, did my anti-bacterial bathing ritual and walked the block to the hospital with Brent. We went to a different outpatient room (this one for vascular patients), and got settled in.
I joked with the nurses that this surgery stuff was really interfering with my morning coffee ritual, and they assured me they would have one waiting for me when I got out. Being in the vascular department they were able to get the IV in much easier than the other nurses had. So I was set up, Dr. Ho came in to see if I was ready and they rolled me off to surgery.
Now I am an old hand at this. Surgery room is cold, but they have warm blankets. This time I was able to keep my glasses on since I wouldn’t be put completely under. They built a little tent for my head so I couldn’t see what was going on (the port goes in under my collar bone on the left side) and gave me some very nice drugs that allowed me to be conscious but not feel a thing.
Well, not feel a thing is a little bit of a lie. I could feel pressure for probably 20-30 minutes. Think of going to the dentist, being novacained up yet still knowing they are wrenching away on your teeth. Back of my mind I’m thinking this might hurt a little, but front mind was on some pretty awesome drugs!
I’m back in my room by 830, they bring me coffee (bless their hearts!), scrambled eggs, toast and some orange juice. They check my vitals a couple times and by 930 I’m free to go. I’m just drowsy from the medicine but doing okay. They give instructions to leave the bandages on for 24 hours, avoid getting it wet during that time, take it easy, don’t lift anything greater than 10 pounds with that side and they’d see me in a week. Away I went, no prescriptions or pain meds given.
Brent stops by the grocery store, we stop in at Subway on our way home (it’s a nice halfway point), Brent gets a sandwich and we continue on our way.
Surgery #2 is in the books!
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