Well I finally feel like I’m getting into a groove and finding my new reality. I have a long ways to go, but starting to settle in. Met with the bosses this week and even got in some hours of work, which this might sound odd, but it felt great to work. It gave a sense of normalcy, it was nice to reconnect with my friends and co-workers on something other than the big C. Even doing something as tedious as Aglearn was somewhat comforting. Granted there were salt in the wound moments over and over as certain plans I had that I (at this time) can not pursue, but as my friend Jenifer tells me, I need to set milestones and aim for them. So I am just setting them as milestones that will be further out now, but ones I plan on hitting.
I was the quiet patient again at my weekly infusion so this new cocktail of drugs is working well with my system. Brent is enjoying watching the different “clientele” and for 2 out of the 3 weeks I only get two drugs so it does go relatively fast. On the third week I get the immunotherapy so it will go a little bit longer, which that should be next week. We usually arrive a little early and there is a pair of yellow-bellied Marmots we can sit and watch before going in and getting my blood draw (step one), meet with my oncologist (step two) and then my infusion (step three).
So blood work, they are looking to see how well I’m doing and can I tolerate this back to back series of chemo they are giving me, which for now they are saying they want to do for at least 12 consecutive weeks before giving me a break. I have told them just how weak my leg muscles are, to the point that I squatted down to get something under the steps (where we store our dry goods), and couldn’t get back up. I had to sit on the ground to get my legs under me and even then I still couldn’t get up. I had to call to Brent to hoist me up. He threatened to video me as he thought it was pretty darn hilarious, but took pity on me and helped me and instead has just gone to calling me his little turtle. When I brought this up it is due to a) steroids and b) my Vitamin D level, which should be between 30-50, ideally at 40 (that is what they are aiming for) but is at a 4. Ya, you read that right, a 4! So no wonder I can’t stand. They have prescribed me high dose Vitamin D to try to raise my numbers over the course of the next 3 months. I am also trying to get some more movement in, ironically before I was diagnosed Brent and I were looking at getting a rowing machine. If I knew how to generate money from this blog – @Errata rowing machine would be better off showing someone like me going from barely walking to rowing the Amazon – give the turtle coupon people!!! The steroids are also jacking up my blood sugar so I wake up in the middle of the night and the morning with the shakes. So they are recommending that I have high protein snacks on hand. So I made some protein balls (thanks Sammi and Herbalife) and have a bag of jerky next to my bed. So Xena the super pup really likes snuggling up to me at night, lol.
So here’s to another week down and hoping that we can get the weak out. The weather is turning nice which makes moving around easier and the fatigue although still there is manageable.
Good to hear it’s going good. We really appreciate the updates.
I had to chuckle at your comment about aglearn! Thanks for sharing your journey. Hugs to you!💜
‘So proud of you, Michele! You’re a real trooper and setting the bar high for the rest of us. Sending lots of love!!
Do I g good girl! Keep it up. We are all praying for you!