Well I’m so happy to state that this week went really well. No waking up with a nurse standing over me asking me if I know where I am, what day it is (like I ever know that), what’s my name, etc etc. So huge win – but not out of the clear yet. My doctor caved to my concerns that my reaction was due to a drug and not an infection. I have my fingers crossed that it was an infection from the chemo port which has been pulled and replaced but I’m really fearful it was a drug. So the two chemo agents I took each time I landed literally flat on my back and unconscious were split up between two weeks this time. The one next week is the one I think is the problem. So here’s hoping that this next week goes as well as last.
In addition to the chemo agent and immunotherapy drug I got a dose of potassium. Taking that IV is way better than slamming these massive, chalky pills that I have tried several different ways to take – cut in half, cut in half in applesauce, take in half with milk (that worked for half of it) – finally we found the trick and it is ground up in yogurt or ground up in one of Sammi’s Herbalife shakes. But it is a gritty, stick in the back of your throat pill (even ground up). But it seemed to really boost me (although it could be the fact I keep missing weeks of infusions). But after the treatment I had energy, felt a little stronger. We bought me a stabilizing cane while we were in Spokane, one with 4 prongs on the bottom so I don’t have to take my walker everywhere. Although the seat on that is nice when we go a long ways so I can sit for a bit. But it was a re-energized me! It felt good to get up and move around and not feel as weak as I have.
So I save the best for last, just to see if you’re all really reading this, lol. I try to pick my titles to be short, funny and relevant. You’re probably wondering about the moonies title (no I didn’t decide to join a cult). Well I have been losing weight since about a month into diagnosis. This is due to the chemo, it causes me to lose my appetite, my mouth is sore so I have a limited diet: soft cooked eggs (not hard boiled or fried), yogurt, Herbalife shake and soup. No bread, no spicy, no crunchy – and you’d be amazed how little spice is in things that set me off or how “dry” or “fibery” foods are. But I digress (squirrel). So I have lost 25 pounds, yet I literally can’t button my jeans I was wearing pre-diagnosis, even my SWEATPANTS are freaking tight. So I brought this up to my doctor because I was concerned I was retaining water which could land in bad places. Nope!!!! I finally get one positive, although losing weight this way is not the healthiest way. But hell I’ll take a win where I can get it. So all the steroids I’ve been on gives you something called Moon Face or cushings. Meaning that it is packing fat on my mid section, my face is round like a moon, and it could also be putting some extra cushion in between my shoulder blades. So even though I’ve lost a bunch of weight in 2 months, I’m watching my chins grow as fast as my asparagus, I’m getting a roly poly gut, and I could possibly look like Quasimodo with a nice hump. As my friend Julie was kind enough to point out, that is just a big of FU. Once I’m off the steroid, which I’ve gone from 16mg/day to 1, it should fade away, but it could take up to a year. Who wants to take a bet it’ll take a year.
Thanks for reading everyone, hopefully I’ll still feel this good next week. I’m off to weeble wobble my way around the house.
Glad your feeling a bit better. I take 3 of those nasty pills morning and night. Fun
Take care, still sending lots of prayers your way.
Thanks for the update hope all continues to go well.
Glad things went better this week.
So happy to hear this good news! Especially when it’s one day at a time, the peaks are especially sunny!🌞🌅☀️🕶
Thanks for sharing all the adventures that come with the journey. Your Wisconsin wildlife family sends our best to you. Keep healing!
Oh Michelle, so sorry to hear all this. I wish there was something we could do! Our prayers are with you. Stay strong! Love you!!!
So glad your doing better!!
Keep it up❤️❤️❤️❤️
Glad you had a win and feeling okay 👍
And here I thought for sure you had wardrobe malfunction in your hospital gown! Great to hear your spirit in your posts! You’re the Michele!
And here I thought for sure you had a wardrobe malfunction in your hospital gown! Great to hear your spirit in your posts! You’re the Michele!