So it’s been a couple weeks since I’ve written here, and usually that’s because I’m laid out in a hospital. Not the case this time!!! I had a rest week a little over two weeks ago, then treatment for 2 weeks and now it looks like another rest week this week. However, this is the season for scans. I will go back up to Spokane on Wednesday for an MRI but a friend is driving me to give Brent a break. The following week I go up on Wednesday for a PET scan but since I have treatment the next day, we will spend the night.
Speaking of spending the night, we have had tremendous support from our families and a group called CancerCan’t in regards to helping with what ends up beng weekly lodging costs. So this group asked me if I would be willing to sit for an interview that they can then use for fundraising, gathering more donations, etc. As if I was going to say no to a group that has probably saved us close to $2000 in hotel stays. So on Friday, the day after my treatment, I headed up to one of the board member’s houses to meet the group, the videographer and the founder of CancerCan’t. What a great bunch of people – I wouldn’t have expected anything less but I really enjoyed doing the clips for them. Unfortunately since I don’t live in Spokane I don’t know if I’ll ever see it (I’m going to ask for a copy when they are done). But I’m pretty much famous now, I can give out autographs if needed, lol.
My strength is slowly returning. I’m sure it will be beat back once I get on a more regular schedule with chemo (hopefully not interrupted by hospital stays). But I have been able to walk a little faster, a tidge more stable (still weeble wobble and if you gave me a light push I’d probably fall over), and get up and move more often with less naps needed (there are days I don’t get one at all!!). However, getting exercise (that would be walking) in has proved challenging as we are having the wettest spring ever. Just for June we have over 3.8″ of rain recorded at various weather stations. We had a torrential downpour that pounded us with rain at a rate of over 2″/hour. Hoping that as I gaze out on the rain, that we get a reprieve and start to dry out. There are sheep wandering our neighborhood, we might have to let them in the fence to beat down the lawn some – and my garden is struggling to do well when it never sees the sun.
So it’s been a nice, relaxing couple of weeks. Treatments went well, energy is up. The next big hurdle/stressor are the scans. But as Brent has said, I shouldn’t (almost wrote can’t and trust me I can) stress about something I can’t change. We will take the results in stride and deal going forward.
Sounds good, glad you are feeling better. Sending continued prayers
Its good to hear your doing better. Thanks for the update
Your attitude inspires me Michelle. Thank you! Praying and giving thanks for you! 🎣
Good news! I always knew you’d be famous.