Finally feel like I’m getting into a routine with this new way of life for me. I say it a lot but without the support of my friends and family I don’t think I would have half the positive attitude I carry right now. Once again this week Margaret and Jimbo gave Brent a break and drove me to Spokane. While they did some shopping (and picked me up mild yellow curry which I totally could eat!!!!), I sat and got my treatment. I had just gotten done with my break week so I have been feeling really good, strong (well that’s relative compared to where I was) and energized.
For those of you that someday might have to go through this hell (I hope no one does), just a heads up – the steroids they pump into you to offset any potential side effects will give you a great dose of insomnia. I woke up like a grandfather clock, chiming off the hours, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…. At around 3 I was thinking I would just go downstairs and watch TV. But oh wait, the power was off because they were working on the transfer station in Kamiah (no Brian B – I didn’t need to check the breakers). As a friend called my life – I can’t win for losing at this point. In addition, the steroids give me red face – so I’ve gone from Moon Face to Flushed Face. However, this is a side effect I had when I went through chemo the first time 4 1/2 years ago. Other than my face looking sunburned for a day, there really is no other negative side effects (well the lack of sleep for that first night too). So I’m back into a comfortable routine, don’t sleep night of treatment, look sunburnt with a hot face the next day, then back to recovery. But these are small prices to pay for one’s life and I’m willing to pay that fee to stay in the game.
I was able to visit neighbors and friends this weekend, which it was nice to be social for a bit. Again – another amazing support group up here on Tweedy Lane. I didn’t risk walking all the way down the road as my balance is still pretty bad, but that is what ATV’s are for. And I need to mention it again, I have an amazing support group with my friends, some who are going through as big of challenges as me. So friends, family, neighbors, co-workers – all are cheering for me and helping me stay out of those stress zones I am good at drifting into.
So another week of treatment this week before I get one week off. Hoping everything continues to go forward and see improvements towards my endurance and strength as well as beating back the cancer in my brain. I’m looking forward to this fall when I will have another wave (hopefully) of visitors. When you are somewhat tied to your house it is nice when folks can come visit you. Although I am itching to go on a trip that doesn’t involve a doctor’s visit I am trying to wait until I can enjoy the variety of foods that a new location would provide. Slowly my mouth is recovering and I am able to expand my palette – I am still dropping a few pounds, but that is most likely due to the fact that I am still unable to eat ice cream or sweets – my downfalls. So we will find the silver lining and embrace the changes that are happening.
Stay positive. Sending continued prayers.
You’re doing great, Michele! I always look forward to your posts. ‘Sending love and hugs your way 🙂