Last week after waiting an unbearable 7 days from the time of my MRI scan until my doctor returned from vacation, I finally was able to meet with him and hear the results from my 3rd follow-up MRI (I have them every 6-8 weeks). Once again, even though I knew that the worse case scenario would be that the lesions and tumors in my brain are growing or not shrinking and when that happens we’d schedule my Gamma Knife procedure immediately. But me telling myself this and there is nothing I can do about the results, still can’t help me sleep the night before as I’m anxious about the results. Well (drum roll please), all the lesions and the tumors are continuing to shrink with several of the lesions no longer showing on scans. Eee – so excited. So I will wait another 6-8 weeks and get another MRI (my fourth since they diagnosed me) and we will see if things are still shrinking or if it is time to do the Gamma Knife. As my radiology oncologist stated, it isn’t a matter of if we’re doing it, but when. And I’m good with that. I’ve talked to a few people who have known someone who has gone through it with great success. And once again I am told by a doctor that I’m their star patient (yep, racking up those gold stars!).
So things are staying status quo for me, I drive up 2 weeks straight, get a week break, then back on for 2 weeks. I also wait 8 weeks and get an MRI, stress for a couple days awaiting the results, and repeat. Status quo.
I no longer take steroids during treatment since they are trying to wean me off of my daily steroids. The good of it is I don’t flush and I’m not jacked up on ‘roids at night. The bad of it is on the days I get chemo and immunotherapy I am really tired. Head’s doing the hungry chicken bob on the drive home, barely can keep my eyes open when I do get home. But it’s all good – rest is good for my body and soul – and right now I need all the healing energy I can harness.
Finally, my back is slowly starting to get better, when I wear the brace they gave me. So I’ve been a little more diligent in wearing it, since, surprise surprise it does what it is designed for, making my back heal and feel better.
Well this is week 2, so I will only have the chemo drug, shouldn’t be dragging as much. Then I get a week off to enjoy time with my parents, hopefully attend Kamiah BBQ days, and continue to recoup and recover. Everyone have a great Labor Day weekend.
Sounds good. Prayers things keep going in your favor.
You just keep rocking this lady!! Love the good news and you!!
That is FANTASTIC NEWS❤️❤️❤️
Great progress! We keep cheering you on and admire your courage.
I have no doubts you are a gold star patient Michele! Been thinking of you a lot lately and so happy to hear you are doing so well. Keep it up lady . . . you’ve got this!
Wonderful news!!! ‘So proud of you for hanging tough all along this difficult road. A celebration is in order! Love & Hugs to you and Brent 🙂
I’m so glad for you. Fight this b$&@(!!!
Amazing, wonderful news! You’re rocking the tough stuff, as usual. Have a great Labor Day!
Friggin A woman,. You don’t know how much happiness this brings my heart and soul! When are you going to publish this? You are such a good writer! Loves and hugs to you!…. And I guess Brent… 🙂 😉
That’s the best news!!