So now that I am getting a week rest and have put some (not all) of my anxiety to rest, plus built up some strength and endurance – I’m able to enjoy my non-treatment days a lot more. I’m not out running any marathons, or even 1K’s for that matter, but I am able to go out to festivals and walk around, do some shopping, and visit friends.
So now that I’m feeling better and stronger (knock on wood), I am able to enjoy visitors for the next month or so. My folks are lined up first, with Brent’s hunting buddies (ie brother, nephew, good friend from WI) heading in next with only a quick pit stop at the house before they head up to elk camp, then Brent’s sister will visit and drive me to treatment and back (I’m sure she can’t wait to drive for 8 hours in one day), and then October brings my friend Julie up from Denver. I’m hoping nothing unforeseen happens and I can actually enjoy these visitors. I’m still terribly tired the day of and after treatment but other than that, I feel like I can actually enjoy the people that are visiting. And, I can eat a much more diverse diet than before – no ice cream yet but fingers crossed that will come back at some point.
I’m still hoping for a trip in November to really anywhere other than Spokane. Not sure how we’ll swing it since Brent will be coming off of a trip back to Wisconsin to see parents, kids and grandkids, as well as many other family and friends and spending a great deal of his time helping Joelle do some home repairs. I’m a little jealous but considering the last time I went to the Midwest I ended up with extreme vertigo and headaches that was the precursor to the diagnosed metastatic breast cancer, I might just avoid the middle of the country for now.
Here’s to fall weather finally rolling in (and hopefully pushing out the smoke), and fingers crossed Brent and his hunting party fill some elk tags!
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