2022 finally has come to a close. What a ride it was. Lots of downs but several ups. I’m so glad that I can say it’s a wrap and I’m still around for 2023. Everyone does countdowns so I thought I would throw out some of my 2022 numbers.
- 13,576 miles driven (well technically ridden)
- 876 hours of work missed (“well I wouldn’t say I’ve been missing it Bob”)
- 62 nights spent overnight (not the type of slumber party you want)
- 31 and 31 hospital stays and chemo treatments respectively (not really respected but necessary)
- 14 brain tumors (down to 3 and Gamma Knife is behind me so fingers crossed for even less by the end of 2023)
- 11 radiation treatments (yes, I have a glow to me)
- 8 MRI’s (a good place to grab a nap)
- 4 years to the DAY from when I went into remission that this came back (F*ck C@ncer!!!!)
- 4 different chemo/immunotherapy drugs (and only one that caused a severe reaction that every infusion nurse now knows me and won’t forget me)
- 3 lung tumors (at 0 as of today’s writing)
- 3 blood infusions (no vampiric tendecies unfortunately)
- 2 PET scans (another great place to nap)
- 2 Chemo-ports placed (Dr. Parviz is much better at putting them in then the other 2 doctors who have placed them in my life)
- 2 ambulance rides (wish I could remember them, but then again, maybe not – Brent won’t tell me if the fire/ambulance guys were hot so I just tell myself they were)
- 1 helicopter ride (really bummed I missed that, been 20 years since I’ve been in one and then I was doing wildlife surveys)
- 1 amazing husband that was by my side helping me smile, letting me cry and taking care of me.
Quite the year, but I’m still here, and I’m here because of the love and support (emotionally, financially and physically) of my family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, 2 amazing non-profits (looking for an end of year donation strongly recommend Gina Quesenberry Foundation and CancerCan’t) and of course my most amazing team of doctor’s, nurses, therapists and staff. I couldn’t do this alone and I truly can not thank everyone enough. I’m told it’s my attitude but I was able to maintain that positivity (90% of the time) because of everyone who surrounded me, like muskox surrounding their calf in a protection circle.
So f*ck off 2022, I’m ready for the new year and to put you in the rear view mirror.
That’s some count you got there. You are kicking cancer’s butt! And, yes, the fire/ambulance guys were hot (it’s a job requirement). Here’s to a less eventful and more fun 2023 🥂
Wow, Amazing! Hope 2023 is a great year for you and many ,many more.
Wow! That’s quite a year, but then you are quite the girl. John and I have been praying 🙏 for you. You are so amazing.
Congratulations on meeting this astounding challenge! Wishing you every blessing that 2023 can bring! Love & Hugs…
Wishing you abundant blessings in 2023!!💜
Rock on Michele! You are amazing! here’s to 2023!
Wow! Just wow! You are amazing my friend!
You’ve got this! And I can personally attest the helicopter guys were hot! Your attitude is truly what I believe has continued to carry you and will as you kick cancers ass!!!
Now that’s a
Year to put behind you, sit on, maybe fart on!