Now that I am finding my groove of chemo once every three weeks, I find my need to write in this blog getting further and further apart. Which is a good thing, it means mentally, physically and emotionally I’m getting in a better place.
Work helps my days fly by, especially when I’m in the office or on a specific task. Feels great to reconnect with my team and peers. In addition to the day to day work I was able to participate in a conference that I was chairperson of and took 3 years to pull together (was supposed to be in 2, but COVID). So great to see friends and co-workers from across the country. Conference went very well, and 5 days in San Diego can’t be scoffed at.
But with every up must come a down, got home Friday and of course it is snowing so I had to drive through bad roads. Must have pulled a lucky card, as I pulled over to get a few gallons of gas and by the time I got back on the road (5 minutes later) I ended up just behind a 3 car accident. It added a solid hour to my drive, but I look at it as it could’ve been me. I knew the roads would be bad on the prairie and I was right. But finally I made it home, got loving from my dog, got a lecture from my cat and was able to just relax without needing to get up early, set up presenters, speak in front of 40 individuals or be responsible for socials. Of course that plan got shot to hell when insomnia reared it’s weekly ugly head and I found myself up every hour then out of bed by 6AM on a Saturday. It continued to slide downhill as my throat hurt, then my sinuses kicked in. So the nicest weekend of weather we’ve had in months I spent half of it indoors, sneezing, blowing my nose, coughing, and taking sore throat spray. But my take home COVID test came back negative, so that gives me hope that I am back on the upswing.
Two weeks until my next treatment, then will do one more after that before heading back to the Midwest to see friends and family. Hopefully this time I don’t end up with another fatal illness. Minnesota and Wisconsin are just reinforcing why I moved away.
So here’s to reporting less, which means things are better. I’ve said it many times but thank you to all who have shown me so much support over this past year.
Glad your feeling so much better.
That’s great news — so glad you get a longer break between treatments. Does it feel like the home stretch? I hope so! Sending love…
Oh my gosh! So sorry that you had that accident and then a illness! You are such an amazing, strong, wonderful friend and colleague. Love you friend!