I would have to say that fall is by far my favorite time of year. The cooling temperatures in the nights that carry over into the mornings, the fruit trees ready to pick, the wildlife becoming more visible after escaping the summer heat. Add in my love of sweatshirts and jeans, how can this get any better? Well, it has. My hubby, as many of you know as Bumpy, but I still call him by his given name of Brent, headed out in September for his annual elk hunt. This trip always includes a group of guys, and I often question how much they hunt and how much they just enjoy the company of each other. There were several things that made this year extra special. First, I’m retired and not constrained with work on when I can take the 2 hour drive up to camp, deliver supplies and hang out with whomever happens to be at camp. Second, there was a big group this year, which makes it really fun. We always have Brent’s friend Kevin, brother Sean, our nephew Bradley, and our cousin Billy , but this year we had a new face around the campfire with Brent’s cousin Brad making it out for a couple weeks. Nice for Wisconsin to come to us! Last but not least, the third thing that made this remarkable was Brent shot what we all feel is a once in a lifetime bull, a true trophy. After years of hiking up and down the steep terrain of North Central Idaho, wearing out his boots on public land, Brent was able to pull back and let his arrow fly. It hit its mark and he came home with a great story and a freezer full of elk. This is why fall can be the greatest time of year. Even Xena and I partook in the bounties of the woods and went out and harvested several grouse (yummy).
I am still undergoing treatment, I often get asked when it ends, and the only time it will end is when they find a cure or I die. I’m shooting for the former not the latter. So once again, every 3 weeks, I head to Spokane. After my little scare I was reticent to drive myself, but felt good, solid. I reserved a room for myself so it wouldn’t be such a long day, got someone to watch Xena over night (since Brent was up at elk camp with the guys) and off to Spokane I went. No scans, no extra doctors – just my regular 3 week appointment. Did a little shopping, tried my skill at Uber eats, and kicked back in the hotel. You would think after 2.5 years of spending nights in hotels due to my constant visits that I would know to bring my own pillow. It’s those little things that truly can make your stay a good one. Next time! 🙂
So as fall comes to an end, Brent and I are making the decision to head East for a couple weeks. Hoping by doing it now, rather than our typical December or January timing, our road trip will miss sub zero temps and white out blizzards. Also crossing my fingers that there are still some fall colors left in the Midwest. So once again I’m at the 3 week mark, meaning this Thursday I will head to Spokane so I can get my treatment, but afterwards rather then heading home, Brent and I will head East to our friend’s Jenny and Jack’s home and spend the night and a few hours the next day before driving further east making a stop in Minnesota to see my parents and a friend, and then heading on to Wisconsin to see the kids, grand kids, mother in law, more family and hopefully a few friends.
Enjoy the fall weather, and for my friends on the East Coast, hope you are staying safe through this hurricane season.
‘Sending love and best wishes for safe travels. You’re doing great, and we’re all so proud of you for being one tough cookie! Thanks for the updates!
Sending my love to you also. You are an inspiration to many people. I remember the day Uncle Fred and I came to Minnesota and I met this cute little girl. I still have a picture of you sleeping on my lap. Go and enjoy your trip east. Say hello to your mom and dad when you see them I send my love to you, Brent your mom and dad. Be safe on your travels. Love always.